KTOE Minnesota Newscast January 24, 2024
Could be rematch of 2022 for U-S House in 8th Congressional District
It could be a rematch in Minnesota’s 8th Congressional District, with Democrat Jen Schultz announcing Tuesday afternoon in Duluth that she’ll challenge Congressman Pete Stauber for second time. Schultz says Stauber passed two bills in five years — one to name a building and the other to create a task force:
“We do have… a long history of strong representatives in Congress, like (Democrats) John Blatnik, Jim Oberstar, Rick Nolan. And their accomplishments fill books. Stauber’s fit on a Post-It note.”
Stauber wasn’t immediately available to respond. He beat Schultz by about 15 points in 2022.
U-S Rep. Craig to introduce bill to totally eliminate federal tax on Social Security benefits
Second District Congresswoman Angie Craig unveils details tomorrow (Thurs) of her bill to totally eliminate *federal* income tax on Social Security benefits, regardless of income:
It’s been Republicans at the Minnesota Legislature who have been pushing, so far without success, for completely eliminating *state* income tax on Social Security benefits. Democrats at the State Capitol during the last session agreed to a partial rollback, but not for the highest-income Minnesotans. Congresswoman Craig, who’s also a Democrat, is pushing for complete elimination of federal tax on Social Security benefits, but it appears she’s proposing to counterbalance loss of those tax revenues by changing the tax brackets for the Social Security payroll tax — which would likely affect higher-income people and could encounter resistance from Republicans who control the U-S House of Representatives.
Congressman Phillips Receives 20 Percent in New Hampshire Primary
(Manchester, NH) — Minnesota Congressman Dean Phillips is celebrating a second place finish in the New Hampshire Democratic presidential primary. Phillips received nearly 21 thousand votes in Tuesday’s contest which is 19-point-eight percent support. President Joe Biden was not on the ballot in that state but won the New Hampshire primary with 51-and-a-half percent support thanks to write-in ballots. Phillips told supporters, “this country deserves options,” and vowed to continue his longshot campaign for the Democratic nomination. Ex-President Trump topped former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley 54 to 43 percent in New Hampshire’s Republican primary.