Minnesota’s Cold Weather Rule In Effect Until April 30th

Published On: April 5th, 20231.1 min readCategories: Local News

The Cold Weather Rule (CWR) is in effect in the state of Minnesota through April 30th. It’s a state law that protects regulated utility customers from having their electric or gas shut off between October 1st and April 30th.

However, it is not automatically granted, which is a common misconception. KTOE’s Lisa Kaye spoke with Minnesota Valley Action Council’s Housing Services Director Judd Schultz and Partnerships and Development Coordinator Ann Macgregor on Talk of the Town.

Schultz said, “The best thing for residents in crisis to do is to be in communication with your gas or electric provider to set up payment plans. They don’t WANT to shut you off, but they can and they will if you do not have any communication with them.”  Macgregor said, “They are also businesses, after all.”

You may call your utility, ask for, make and keep a payment plan that you and the utility agree on. You may also sign up for the CWR at any time during the season. CWR does not apply to delivered fuels; oil and propane or wood.

If you find yourself in crisis and unable to maintain your gas or electric payments, Schultz and Macgregor said there may be help available through Minnesota Valley Action Council’s “Energy Assistance Program.”

For more information on the Energy Assistance Program

visit their website MNVAC.org or CLICK HERE



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