Public Invited to an Open House Regarding County Road 5 (Victory Drive)

Published On: March 9th, 20231.1 min readCategories: Covid-19, Featured, Latest Headlines, Local News, News

Blue Earth County is hosting an open house on March 16, 2023 to obtain public feedback about the future of County Road 5 (Third Ave.)  The Mankato/North Mankato Area Planning Organization (MAPO) is leading a collaborative effort among area government agencies and stakeholders to develop a Corridor Study to establish a future vision for County Road 5 (Third Avenue) from Riverfront Drive in Mankato to the north Blue Earth County line.  The 4.8-mile corridor travels through variable land uses including urban residential, industrial, rural or semi-rural industrial, rural residential, and agricultural uses.

The primary goal of the Study is to identify deficiencies and evaluate CSAH 5 road alternatives for the corridor that improves safety, manages access, improves freight movement, incorporates bicycle and pedestrian needs, and manages congestion into the future.

The open house will take place on Thursday, March 16, from 4:00 – 6:00 PM at the 49ers Hall, 308 Lundin Boulevard, Mankato.  The public is urged to attend to learn more about the study and provide feedback on draft roadway alternatives.  If citizens are unable to attend the public open house meeting they are invited to learn more about the CSAH 5 (Third Ave.) Corridor Study and take an online survey on the project website at

For more information, please contact Blue Earth County Public Works at 507-304-4025.

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