Rep. Jeff Brand votes in support of two bills addressing food insecurity
The Minnesota House of Representatives voted to pass two bills aimed to address food insecurity in the state. HF 5, authored by Rep. Sydney Jordan (DFL – Minneapolis), would create a state program for schools to provide up to two free meals per day to all students. Another bill would provide an investment of $5 million for food shelf programs in light of record numbers of visits to food shelves last year. Rep. Jeff Brand (DFL – Saint Peter) is a co-author of both bills and voted to support them.
“There are too many people in our state who aren’t sure where their next meal is coming from, and that number is just growing,” said Rep. Jeff Brand. “There is no reason anyone in our state should worry about putting food on the table, and I’m proud to be a part of efforts to rectify that.”
In the Senate, both bills are making their way through the committee process.