Breaking News: Minnesota Elevator Fire

Firefighters were dispatched to MEI in St. Clair this morning.
By Robert Lawson
News Director, KTOE News
According to a Blue Earth County Public Safety Incidents Facebook page, a structure fire started this morning at 19336 607th, which is the location of Minnesota Elevator. Around 4 a.m. St. Clair Fire Department was dispatched after receiving an automated alert about an alarm going off as water flow, ground floor. By 4:07 a.m. a deputy was on scene stating there was smoke on the back side of the building. At 4:22, the fire department confirmed there were active flames in the paint booths areas and by 4:25, they paged Eagle Lake Fire Department for mutual aid. At 4:50 St. Clair Fire Department requested even more units to respond for additional water and by 5:10, they requested an air truck. At 5:23 a.m., Eagle Lake Fire Department confirmed flames were coming out of the roof. Janesville Fire Department was also requested for mutual aid for tankers and personnel to assist with the blaze just after 6:30 and just before 7 a.m. it was reported that there was still fire on the roof.