Where ads are served |
Mobile Apps |
Websites (on desktop, tablet, or mobile) |
How apps and websites are chosen |
22,000 of the most popular apps |
Top websites belonging to ComScore 1000 publishers (AAA and AA grade websites) |
Devices where ads will be seen |
Apps on Mobile Phones & tablets |
All – phones, tablets, laptops, desktops |
Geographic Targeting |
Specific businesses, addresses, & locations |
Zip codes & regions |
Number of Geographic Targets Available |
Unlimited (limited only by your budget) |
Unlimited (limited only by your budget) |
Demographic Targeting |
Not available |
Male/Female, Age, Education, HH Income, Kids/No Kids (and more upon request for higher CPM) |
Behavioral & Contextual Audience Interest Targets |
Not available |
Yes – Client chooses a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 15 |
Retargeting |
Yes, for a CPM upcharge (optional) |
Yes (included automatically for free) |
Campaign Measure |
Impressions |
Reach & frequency |
Minimums |
50,000 Impressions |
No minimum buy |
Reporting Analytics Contain |
Maps of campaign, impressions, clicks, creative performance comparison, impressions by day, and apps the ads served to |
Map of campaign, impressions, clicks, engagements, view-throughs, creative performance comparison, impressions by location, impressions by day, digital lift (for +90 day campaigns), websites the ads served to, and live ad screenshots. |