Update on Eagle Lake’s Water Quality Efforts
Eagle Lake city officials will be back in St. Paul again on April 17 to make another push to legislators asking for their support of Eagle Lake’s funding request. Having a petition in hand to give to legislators with more than 500 signatures from community members helps illustrate the importance of funding for clean drinking water for Eagle Lake, city staff said. If you haven’t signed the petition, there’s still time to do so. Also, city staff urges residents to bring handwritten notes supporting the city’s request for funding to give to legislators. If you are interested in drafting a note to legislators, please submit your note to City Hall no later than April 16 or use notecards available for this purpose at City Hall. The 2024 Minnesota State Legislature convened on February 12 and is scheduled to adjourn on May 20.
Eagle Lake city staff provided a recap of the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities Legislative Action Day on March 20. Eagle Lake Mayor Lisa Norton, Council Member John Whitington, and City Administrator Jennifer Bromeland attended the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities (CGMC) Legislative Action Day on March 20 in St. Paul. CGMC is a non-profit, nonpartisan organization of which Eagle Lake is a member. CGMC represents more than 100 cities outside of the Twin Cities metropolitan area. CGMC educates legislators about issues important to Greater Minnesota including funding needed for water infrastructure projects. While at the CGMC Legislative Action Day, city officials were able to meet with numerous legislators to talk about Eagle Lake’s funding request including Representative Luke Frederick, Senator Nick Frentz, Senator John Jasinski, Senator Tou Xiong, Senator Carla Nelson, and Senator Jordan Rasmusson. In addition to meeting with legislators, city officials were also able to connect with Greater Mankato Growth’s Executive Vice President Andy Wilke and Region Nine’s Vice Chair Andrea Boettger who were also in attendance at the event.