1.17.25-Mike McLaughlin-BEC Vets Service Officer

Published On: January 17th, 20250.6 min readCategories: Blogs, Podcast, Talk of the Town

Mike stops back in to talk about the “Talking Service Book Club” led by Nathan Pike, Assistant Vets Service Officer, that takes place at the Blue Earth County Library. This happens on the first Wednesday of every month.  Register at the library by calling 507-304-4022.

You are also invited to the Mankato Elks Lodge #225 Soups for Troops at the Morson-Ario-strand on January 25th!

To contact the Vet Service Office Blue Earth County CLICK HERE

To contact the Vet Service Office Nicollet County CLICK HERE

CLICK HERE to order book “Halo” that is referenced in the chat.


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