Blue Earth County and MN Super Tuesday Election Results

Minnesota and Blue Earth County Super Tuesday Results Announced
By Robert Lawson
News Director, KTOE News
Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon’s office released unofficial results from the Super Tuesday election yesterday, including totals for Blue Earth County voters. More than 38,000 people voted in Blue Earth County. Former President Donald Trump lost to Joe Biden in Blue Earth County totals with 69.31% to Biden’s 75.28%. Nikki Haley took 28% of the total in Blue Earth County. Trump had 2,624 votes by 1:37 a.m., when the data was last updated this morning. Haley had 1,061 votes and Biden had 1,733 votes. The DFL had several “uncommitted” votes as well that totaled 12.68% just in Blue Earth County at 292 votes, which was more than Dean Phillips received at 157 votes or 6.82% of the votes. The Legal Marijuana Now Party also had candidates on the ballot. With five votes, or 18.52%, voters wrote in a candidate named “Vermin Supreme”. Krystal Gabel got seven votes or 25.93% and Dennis Sschuller and Rudy Reyes both had four votes or 14.81% of the votes. Statewide, Biden is squeaking by with about 70 percent compared to Trump’s slightly shy of 69 percent. Haley is just shy of 29 percent, according to the SOS data.