Klobuchar Highlights New Law Aimed at Preventing CO Poisoning Deaths

Published On: December 9th, 20220.6 min readCategories: Covid-19, Featured, Latest Headlines, Local News, News

Senator Amy Klobuchar is using a cold Minnesota day to highlight a new law named after two boys from Kimball who died of carbon monoxide poisoning.  Cheryl Burt lost her sons Nicholas and Zachary in January of 1996 after making a fire in their new home:

“What actually ended up happening I believe is that there was a down draft. We had a faulty furnace which then exacerbated everything and we did not have a carbon monoxide alarm.  All I knew is we were getting sicker and sicker and sicker throughout the night.”

Burt believes that a carbon monoxide alarm may have saved her sons’ lives.  Klobuchar says her goal is to get a C-O detector in every building in America.

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