Thursday’s and Friday’s News Headlines

Published On: May 3rd, 20243.3 min readCategories: Local News, News

The Latest Reports

Friday, May 3

In case you missed the latest news at KTOE, here are some updates from the last couple days.

Blue Earth County Sheriff’s Office said the failed siren test issue was identified and the siren test will take place May 3 at 2 p.m.

The Minnesota House Passed the 2024 Environment and Natural Resources Budget and Policy Bill.

Minneapolis for Community Control of the Police gathered more than 10,000 signatures on a petition to amend the city’s charter to establish an elected Civilian Police Accountability Commission (CPAC).

The Minnesota House also passed the Supplemental Children and Families Budget bill on 68-62 vote.

The Minnesota House also approved the Houseing Policy & Supplemental Budget Legislation bill on a vote of 69-60.

A Saint Peter woman who was found dead after a house fire was named last week as 84-year-old Joann Marie Sargent.

A ribbon cutting ceremony took place to announce the official opening of the Gordini worker apparel company’s Midwest distribution center hub, where the company will employ dozens of workers.

State Representative Luke Frederick talked about the so-called “Kidfluencer” bill that passed the House in Minnesota.

The Blue Earth County Historical Society said construction on the long-awaited new History Center parking lot should begin in late May and take up to a month-and-a-half, plus a generous History Hero has pledged $75,000 if the group can raise another $75,000 to match from the public.

The Office of Cannabis Management policy bill was debated on the Senate floor Friday.

Annual Cleanup takes place in May in Mankato. Check the city website for more details.

City Offices, bus service and garbage/recycling pick-up are impacted by Memorial Day closure of city offices. See the City of Mankato newsletter.

Water main flushing concluded in Mankato Friday.


The Minnesota House passed legislation establishing legal protection for “Kidfluencers”.

A major construction project is getting under way in Mankato and the mayor discussed the options for local businesses that are impacted.

A school bus carrying students to an after school program rear-ended a pickup truck with a flatbed trailer on South Riverfront Drive at a stoplight. Parents met with officers on scene to pick up their children.

The outdoor warning sirens failed to sound in Blue Earth County for their monthly test, the Blue Earth County Sheriff’s Office reported.

A report said Minnesota spends the least on groceries on average of any U.S. state.

Look for the new Minnesota State University, Mankato Mavericks Stomper Bobbleheads now out.

Expect delays at Highway 99 Minnesota River bridge in St. Peter May 6-8 as MnDOT crews perform routine inspection, causing single lane traffic across the bridge with a flag crew to control traffic.

Mankato’s longtime community development director announced he will retire on June 13 and his replacement is longtime Associate Director of Community Development Mark Konz, for whom the city will need to replace with a recruitment effort.

The city applied for a DEED grant of $77,000 to cover pollution cleanup at a property in Old Town in Mankato, developed by Brennan Companies, on the corner of Plum and Second streets.

Kids’ Bike Day & Bike Skills Rodeo at Key City Bike will take place on Saturday, May 4 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

An amendment to the Minnesota Senate Office of Cannabis Management policy bill is focused on getting plants in the ground as soon as this summer and cultivators say the time is now.

Minnesota Milk Producers Association announced they filed a request to the US Supreme Court in Clay View Dairy Case as an amicus curiae to clarify the statute of limitations for stray voltage claims filed in Minnesota.

Save the Boundary Waters advocacy group and US President Joe Biden both are against the Superior National Forest Restoration Act and say it doesn’t protect vital waters from mining development in the area.

Listen to KTOE News every morning at 98.7 FM or 1420 AM on your radio dial.

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