Minnesota State Mankato’s 2022-2023 Good Thunder Reading Series Opens Oct. 20
Minnesota State University, Mankato’s 2022-2023 Good Thunder Reading Series will host seven writers this year, with fall semester events scheduled for Oct. 20 and Dec. 1, and spring semester events scheduled for Jan. 19, Feb. 9 and 23, March 23 and April 13.
All of the events are free and open to the public.
This year’s Good Thunder Reading Series begins with a visit by author Tyler Barton on Thursday, Oct. 20.
Oct. 20 schedule:
- 10-11 a.m. – Workshop at Emy Frentz Art Guild, 423 S. 2nd St., Mankato
- 3-4 p.m. – “Talk on Craft,” Centennial Student Union, Room 245. Books available for purchase.
- 7:30-8:30 p.m. – Barton will read from his work, Carnegie Art Center, 120 S. Broad St., Mankato
Tyler Barton is the author of the story collection, “Eternal Night at the Nature Museum” (Sarabande Books, 2021) and the flash fiction collection, “The Quiet Part Loud” (Split Lip Press, 2019). His stories have appeared in The Iowa Review, Kenyon Review, Electric Literature and were twice listed as distinguished by Best American Short Stories. He lives in a 6-million acre forever-wild park in upstate New York, where he serves as the communications manager for the Adirondack Center for Writing, and he leads writing workshops for the incarcerated elderly. With Erin Dorney, Barton co-curates Hidden Museum, and ongoing, site-specific, conceptual literary art installation, which is currently on view at Susquehanna Museum of Art in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Find him at tsbarton.com or @goftyler.
Founded in 1981, the Good Thunder Reading Series brings nationally and internationally acclaimed writers from diverse backgrounds and literary traditions to Mankato, Minnesota, with the goal of promoting access to great literature, inspiring creativity and connections in our communities, and fostering lively conversations about how writers work and why writing matters.
The Good Thunder Reading Series is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
The 2022-23 Good Thunder Reading Series also receives support from Minnesota State Mankato’s Department of English, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Women’s Center, the Nadine B. Andreas Endowment, the Eddice B. Barber Visiting Writer Endowment, the Robert C. Wright Endowment and individual donors. Barnes & Noble Bookstore at Minnesota State Mankato provides additional assistance.