Today at the Capitol 3-21-23


Governor Tim Walz speaks at a State Capitol rally today (Tues) as advocates push for paid family and medical leave in Minnesota -- one of Democrats' signature initiatives for the [...]

Today at the Capitol 3-21-232023-03-21T12:41:54+00:00

Report: MN Ranks 5th Best State For Doctors


(Minneapolis, MN)  --  Minnesota is one of the best places to practice medicine in the country.  That's according to a new WalletHub report on the best and worst states to [...]

Report: MN Ranks 5th Best State For Doctors2023-03-21T12:34:39+00:00

MN House Passes Abortion Protections Bill


(St. Paul, MN)  --  The state House is advancing a bill that would provide legal protections for those targeted by another state for legal abortions performed in Minnesota.  The Reproductive [...]

MN House Passes Abortion Protections Bill2023-03-21T12:15:05+00:00

Radio Advertising


Radio Mankato Radio is the dominant out-of-home media in the US, reaching 93% of your local consumers each week. Among the thousands of commercial messages that these [...]

Radio Advertising2023-01-30T13:52:50+00:00

Mike Sullivan


Mike Sullivan, the “ Voice of the Mavericks” has been telling us who scored for 19 years. When Mike Sullivan was in 10th grade, he remembers grabbing an old reel-to-reel tape recorder and, with his brother and a few buddies, they’d go around just….recording people. Like, just for fun. Asking them questions. Recording their answers.

Mike Sullivan2023-02-01T15:48:19+00:00
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