City of Mankato Launches Seasonal Safety Campaigns
Mankato-The City of Mankato kicks off its annual safety campaigns for the holiday season:
Keep the Wreath Bright, Prevent a Red Light begins Thursday, November 24, and goes through Sunday, January 1. The goal of this effort is to keep the wreath on display at the Public Safety Center, 710 S. Front St., lit with only clear bulbs. When fires happen, red bulbs, which represent preventable fires, and blue bulbs, which represent preventable fire-related injuries, are added to the wreath.
Help decrease fire risks:
- Stay in the kitchen when cooking.
- Use candles properly and make sure someone is around to watch them.
- Avoid overloading electrical circuits and extension cords.
- Water holiday trees to help prevent them from getting dry.
- Maintain chimneys regularly.
‘Tis the Season Safety Campaign is designed to help reduce retail theft, theft from motor vehicles and burglaries. Take preventative measures and help ensure a positive holiday shopping experience.
Stay safe by being focused and alert to your surroundings:
- Shop during daylight hours. If shopping at night, go with a friend or family member.
- Make sure purses are not left unattended in shopping carts.
- Avoid carrying large amounts of cash.
- Keep credit cards secure and remember to get them back from the sales clerk. Keep a copy of credit card numbers and report any missing cards immediately.
- Place shopping packages out of sight in the vehicle’s trunk and lock the doors. If going back to a store after placing items in a vehicle, move vehicle to a new parking place.
- See something? Say something. Report anything suspicious by calling 911.