VINE Receives Grants
Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging, Inc. (MNRAAA) has awarded VINE Faith in Action three grants, totaling $285,287. The awards are funded under Title III of the Older Americans Act (OAA) and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).
“The MNRAAA grants help make it possible for VINE to serve caregivers, those experiencing depression, and refugee and immigrant elders,” said VINE’s Program Director, Adam Massmann. “We very much appreciate these grants. Without them, VINE wouldn’t be able to provide these services to the community.”
OAA funds are administered by MNRAAA, the state-designated Area Agency on Aging in the 27 counties of southwest Minnesota. Title III OAA funds are awarded to agencies and organizations that provide direct services for older people (age 60+) and their caregivers to develop a coordinated and comprehensive system of services for older adults and their caregivers.
ARPA was passed by Congress in 2021 to provide further relief to older adults and caregivers caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Funding under ARPA follows the guidelines established by the OAA.
“MNRAAA is excited to be partnering with VINE to continue and expand services to older adults and caregivers