Walz to sign clean energy bill
Governor Tim Walz is at a labor union in the Twin Cities this afternoon (Tues 2pm) to sign a bill that requires 100 percent of Minnesota’s electricity come from carbon-free sources by 2040. Republicans warn prices will skyrocket, but Democratic Senator Nick Frentz from North Mankato says the move is necessary to fight climate change:
“We can rise to the challenge like this country and this state did — two world wars, Great Depression and who knows what challenge in the future — and we can meet it.”
But Fosston Republican Steve Green says a constituent on the Leech Lake Reservation voiced concern before the Senate passed the bill last week on a brutally cold night:
“And when the rolling blackouts come, there is no other form of heat because they all take electricity. And his comment — although I won’t read it all ’cause it was kind of colorful — but that people on the reservation are gonna die.”