Car Crash in Eagle Lake, Mapleton Fire, Bills Take More Income in Mankato

US Hwy 14
By Robert Lawson
News Director, KTOE News
Waseca Car Crash
A Waseca driver suffered life-threatening injuries in a car crash yesterday morning on Hwy. 14 in Eagle Lake. A driver was possibly pushing their vehicle onto the shoulder, according to state highway patrol. The crash happened on the westbound lanes of Hwy 14. A 2010 Kia Soul that may have been being pushed by its driver was struck by another westbound trvaeling driver of a 2019 Chevy Silverado pickup truck. The Kia’s driver was also hit, patrol said. The incident took place around 6:15 a.m. Raul Rene Gonzalez, 26, of Waseca, was driving the Kia Soul and suffered life-threatening injuries. He was taken to St. Marys Hospital in Rochester. The Silverado driver, Jonahtan Lee Hermanson, 43, of Janesville, was not injured, patrol said. First responders, including highway patrol, shut down the westbound lanes and diverted traffic through the city of Eagle Lake.
Fire in Mapleton
Crews battled a large structure fire in Mapleton on March 10 in the area of Hwy 22 and Borchert St. SE. At least a dozen agencies responded to a the fire that blazed in a commercial agricultural building at Ero-Guard in Mapleton Sunday morning. Blue Earth County public safety said crews from Easton, St. Clair, Winnebago, Lake Crystal, Pemberton, Wells, Minnesota Lake, Faribault County, Good Thunder, Amboy and Vernon Center were all called in to assist at the scene. One Minnesota Lake firefighter was treated at a local hospital for smoke inhalation. Crews extinguished the fire in the late afternoon.
Mankato Bills Take Up More Income
Doxo recently released a report called the 2024 US Household Bill Pay Report, including statistics in the Mankato area, that revealed Americans spend a total of $3.35 trillion annually on household bills. The average Mankato household pays $2,412 a month, or $28,947 a year for the 10 most common household bills. Mankato households spend 42% of their income on these bills on average. Household expenses in Mankato are on average 13.5% higher than the national average of $2,126 , and nearly 9% higher than the state average of $2,216.